Muslim Degeneration And its only Remedy


We know that About fourteen and half century ago, when the world was sunk in darkness of ignorance, sin ands unholy life. A light of true knowledge and guidance arose from horizon of rugged hills of Batha near Makkah. Its rays spread to the East , West North and South, that is why They reached every corner of Earth and within the short period of 23 years , thereforeĀ  the way was proved through that light for mankind to ,move to such height of glory as had never been attained before. So that Muslim Degeneration And its only Remedy is a unique question that should be solved properly.

Honor Of Muslims

It enlightened the Muslim and created in the urge for takingĀ  right direction which would ultimately bring them their salvation. By following the right path and the guidance comin g from that light, The Muslims moved from success to success and attained the highest peak of glory in history. For centuries they ruled on this earth with such grandeur and strength that no existing power had the courage to challenge them.

The Disease

History, even up to end of thirteenth century hijri, will reveal that the Muslims were the sole possessors of honor, dignity,, power and greatness. But when one turns ones eye away from the pages of history books and looks at the Muslims of today. one sees the picture of people sunk in misery, disgrace, a people who possess no real strength or power, honor or dignity. Brotherhood or mutual love and reflect no virtues or moral characters worth the name. one cannot find any sign in them of those noble deeds, which at one time used to be the symbol of each and every Muslim. Muslim Degeneration And its only Remedy play an important role to uplift Muslim Umma.

Earlier Attempt Towards Improvements

For a long time some distinguished thinkers and preachers of Islam have been seriously thinkin over this unfortunate condition of their people and have been striving hard to reform the Muslim society, But alas:

The treatment only increased the disease.

People have assigned several causes to this degeneration and have adopted numerous measure for arresting the decline, but unfortunately all efforts so far have only brought further failure. Instead of Improvements, Hopelessness and confusions have resulted.

The Diagnosis

Muslim Degeneration And its only Remedy is clear from following ayah of Holly Quran”

Translation: ” Allah has promised to those from amongst you who believe and do righteous deeds that he would surely make them his caliph on earth” {al-nur55}

It is clear from the following ayah:

“And if these non-believers had given you a battle , they were sure to turn on their heels. and they would have found no protector and no helper” {al-fath 22}

” And let time be witness: verily man is in a great loss except. of course, those who believe and do righteous deeds and who enjoin truth and enjoin patience.{ al-asr 1-3}.

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